Accessing PEP
When people use drugs during sex, they can forget about risks to their sexual health. PEP can help protect you against HIV.

If you think you have had a possible exposure to HIV, you may want to access PEP.
PEP is available in all sexual health clinics and A&E departments.
Note that PEP is effective at preventing HIV after an exposure, but only if taken within 72 hours. The sooner you use it, the better.
PEP is not a ‘morning after pill’ for HIV, and it’s not guaranteed to work. It’s meant as an emergency measure to be used as a last resort. Taking PEP will not protect you from other STIs.
Get tested
It’s important that you test for other STIs too. Most STIs don't show in a test straight away. You need to wait a few weeks before a test will be accurate. This time is called the window period. The window periods are different for different infections.
Find out more about PEP and locate your nearest sexual health clinic here.